Musical Theatre Summer Camp
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What dates are the camp?
Session 1: June 24-28, Musical Shorts of Aesop's Fables
Session 2: July 15-19, Jack & the Beanstalk
2. What time is the camp?
9am-noon, Monday through Friday
3. What is taught during the day?
Workshops are held in dance, acting, and singing. We also play brief team-building games, make simple "costumes" and take snack and bathroom breaks.
4. What is the tentative schedule for the camp?
8:55-9:05am: check-in (we open at 8:45 on the first day)
9:05-9:10am: Team-building game
9:10-9:55am: workshop 1*
10-10:45am: workshop 2*
10:45-11am: snack and bathroom break
11:00-11:45am: workshop 3*
11:50: MW: costume construction; TTh: show what you know (perform for each other)
12:55-12:05: check-out
FRIDAY ONLY: 12pm: performance for family and friends.
*workshops are held in acting, singing, and dancing. Kids are separated in to their own age and skill level on the first day.
5. My child has stage fright - is that a problem?
Maybe. We LOVE taking kids exactly where they are and we do NOT expect children to be perfect. Children sometimes take a little time to warm up, or are pretty nervous when their parent leaves, and that is just fine. If, however, your child is very adamantly against getting on stage to perform, please let us know, so we can make sure their part won't affect others if they end up not choosing to get on stage. While we encourage kids to always try new things to learn, we will never force a child on stage.
In the past, we've had children in camp, especially very young ones, who have not been old enough to be left without a parent for 3 hours. While we'll make every attempt to engage the child, sometimes, due to maturity or anxiety, a child may not be ready. If that is the case, we will contact a parent as soon as possible, and talk through solutions.
6. Why does it cost $95?
This is a STEAL of a deal! There are all kinds of costs associated with running a summer camp!
1. Liability Insurance. This ensures that we're all kept safe or are covered in the case of an any accidents.
2. Staff. We expect our staff to give us 1000%, and to be well-qualified to teach the children. For that reason, we pay compensatory to their skills, experience, and professionalism.
3. Snacks, First aid, and other misc. costs. We feed the children a light snack every day, and keep water on hand for those who forget water bottles (dehydration is NOT acceptable). For the minor bumps and scrapes that are inevitable with children in a camp setting, we go through SO MANY in a week of camp! We also have to buy the music, scripts, and pay royalties to perform the musicals. We also have to cover things like marketing, website maintenance, accounting, and so on.
For the entire week, you'll be paying less than $6 per hour for your children to be taught by professionals, build confidence and teamwork skills. What a deal!
Ukulele Summer Camp
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What dates are the camps?
2nd & 3rd Graders:
Session 2: Jul