Ages 0 - 4
Sound Beginnings A playful, parent-and-me class that teaches music theory, literacy, kindergarten readiness skills, and more!
Many families use this class a supplement or replacement to preschool. Classes are weekly, 30 minutes in length, and tuition is $160 per semester (15 classes) for the first child, and $40/semester for each additional sibling.
Summer Accellerated class meets 2x/weekly and the 15 classes are taught in their entirety.
Tues & Thurs 10am
Fall Classes:
Wednesday 10am​
Wednesday 1pm
Thursday 6pm
Classes held in Kimberly (Belliston Studio). Enrollment for Summer & Fall 2020 semester is now open. Free classes available - use contact form below to sign up for free class!
Ages 4 - 6
Let's Play Music Music theory, piano skills, singing, classical music study, and it's all taught through PLAY! This 3-year program will put your child years ahead of the pack!
This curriculum is designed for children ages 4-6 years old. Parents attend every other week with their child, and are an integral part of the child's learning. Classes are held weekly for 45 minutes.
Tuesday 1pm
Tuesday 2pm*
Classes held in Kimberly (Belliston Studio) & Burley (MVCC). Enrollment for Fall 2019 is now open. Free classes available - use contact form below to sign up for free class!
Ages 7 - 12​
Presto Presto Let's Play Music includes the fun, group learning style of Let's Play Music, and is designed for older learners at an advanced pace!
Many families have loved Let's Play Music's rich curriculum, but have wished something existed for their older children. This newer curriculum solves just that challenge. Students meet in small classes of 3-6 students weekly for 60-minutes.
Thursday 4pm
Thursday 5pm
Thursday 6pm
Classes held in Kimberly (Belliston Studio). Enrollment for Fall 2020 opens in July. Free classes available - use contact form below to sign up for a free class.