Lesson #15
Thank you for a fantastic 1st Year of Let's Play Music!
Recital on Thursday, April 28, at 6:30. Please have your child wear LPM shirt, no flip flops or high heels. Bring their bells so they can all play!
Last chance on enrollment Please finish enrolling for 2nd year before the recital, so I can give your child their t-shirt. If you've already enrolled, thank you!
Recital Practice list
1st year 10:30 class
BELLS: Do, Re, Mi (Major Scale up and down on bells! We WILL also play the DO MI MI, MI SOL SOL part of the song w/ CD.)
SINGING: Hear How the Bells, Old Paint, Can’t Bug Me
1st year 1:30 class BELLS: Old Paint: (DO, MI, SOL, DO, MI, SOL etc. over and over again) SINGING: Hear How The Bells, Can’t Bug Me and Do, Re, Mi, (practice with solfeg hand signs. On the DMM part, they will sing the lyrics, “When you know the notes to sing..etc.)
We are officially finished with our Blue Bugs semester and it's time for summer break! To help fight off summertime boredom, play the bells, create bell music and read from the staff, play games on your lines and spaces page, listen to music and have fun creating all kinds of BUGS!! Here, here and here. I can't wait for fall to start these kids on keyboards!