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White Horses Lesson #10

Michelle Belliston

Lesson #10

We are now three-quarters of the way through this semester.  Time really does fly when you are having fun! If you are interested in continuing your musical adventure, be sure to register for next semester’s Silver Buttons class. To enroll, visit and click on Find a Teacher. Follow the prompts to choose your preferred class. To ensure your materials are received BEFORE the last class (so you can give them as a Christmas gift), please order BEFORE November 20.

optional home fun activity ***remember, these activities are optional but can be a great bonding experience to do with your child during the week.

Lesson 10: Cut out the horse puppet on page 31 in your workbook

more than play You may have noticed by now that a couple of our songs only have two pitches. Both ‘Fall is Here’ and ‘Snowman’ use the SOL-MI interval as it is the easiest interval for the child to learn to recognize, imitate, and sing in tune. Though this interval is part of the major scale, and therefore major in it’s tonality, it is a minor third. SOL-MI songs allow children to have successful singing experiences as they develop in-tune singing voices.

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